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Organization Overview

Provider of Anesthesia Equipment Service and Repair with a Difference to Veterinary Facilities in North Carolina, parts of South Carolina, parts of Virginia, and parts of West Virginia. Have over 30 years of experience in the Veterinary Industry.

Registered Veterinary Technician in both Indiana and North Carolina.

Service more than just your anesthesia machines:
Vaporizers: Pressure Checks, Calibration, and New Vaporizers
Oxygen Systems: Leaks, Regulators, Oxygen Lines, Quick Connects & Installations
Oxygen Concentrators: Service, Parts, Purity Checks, and New Equipment
New Anesthetic Machines / Consultations
Flowmeter Repair
Replacement Parts for the majority of Manufacturer Makes, Models & Years (with a few exceptions)
Waste Gas System Passive and Active Service, Repair, and Consultation
Repair of Breathing Systems, Leak Checks, and Troubleshooting
Ventilator Service & Repair
Snyder Oxygen Cage Service & Repair
Staff Education: RACE CE Approved Program #20-846178
"Avoid the Drama: Understanding Your Anesthesia Equipment"
Cynthia Burns CEO, RVT (IN and NC)
KCC Logo Base (Owner as only employee)