Teacher Grant Program
Funds for unique educational programs
Kernersville Chamber Teacher Grant Program
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Grants will be provided to suitable projects that add value to the learning experience in a classroom. Where possible, the project should directly benefit both the class and the school.
The applicant must complete the application form with sufficient detail for the committee to be able to judge the viability of the grant request. Projects will not be evaluated if the budget and/or description are too vague.
A teacher may re-apply for the same project or a continuation of a larger project in the next annual grant cycle.
Submitting the Completed Form
Teachers shall submit a completed application(s) to the Kernersville Chamber of Commerce via email at kchamber@kernersvillenc.com
Please note that previous year winners must wait one school year before applying again.
Examples of Typical Projects That Could Be Recommended for Grants:
- Educational decorations for a classroom
- Class project materials and supplies
- Funding a guest speaker
- Special instructional materials
- Specialized classroom furniture/fixtures
We ensured that every school received at least one grant. We selected the Special Education/ESL grant and arts grants regardless of school. Then, the education grant committee selected the best of the remaining grants regardless of which school they came from.
Education Project Ideas Available For Businesses to Directly Support
The Kernersville Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting public education. One of the ways we do this is by raising funds from our chamber member businesses, seeking proposals from teachers and then funding as many as possible. In September of 2013 we awarded a record 44 grants to teachers in all of the Kernersville area schools. Even after giving out a record number of grants there are many great ideas still available for funding. Perhaps one of these matches the interest of your business.
As you can see from the list below many of the ideas involve updated technology and “hands on” teaching techniques that promote learning.
Below is a list of ideas proposed by teachers in the Kernersville area schools. We can provide interested businesses with the description of the project submitted by the teachers. While we invited proposals of up to $1,000 many of the proposals were for smaller amounts. We welcome any businesses or individuals to select one of the ideas below and contacting the teacher directly to offer your support.
- Story Works program
- Resource cabinet for entire K staff
- Genetic/organism lesson (Science)
- Wind Experiment (Science)
- Cross country track (PE)
- Dollhouses (Life Skills)
- Class set novels (NC Literature)
- Molecule Modeling (Chemistry)
- Hispanic & global ebooks (English)
- Graphic novel genre addition (Media)
- Samsung Tablets – (Reading)
- K’NEX roller coaster kits (Math)
- Poetry Songwriting Unit (Lang Arts)
- Geo Safari Talking Globes
- Light table
- iPad Mini